WordyGirl’s Movie/TV reviews

{February 22, 2009}   My Oscar Predictions

So tonight is the Oscars…I guess its time I write some kind of Oscar-related post. So here are my predictions:

Best Actor: Sean Penn (Milk). For one thing, Sean Penn put on an outstanding performance in this film, and played a sympathetic, likable character who appealed to emotion and it is easy to beleive he actually is Harvey Milk while watching the film.

Best Actress: Meryl Streep (Doubt)Meryl Streep has already been nominated for numerous Oscar awards, and won two. Her performance was great, the film was intense, and the subject matter and kind of character she played makes her a likely win.

Best supporting actor: Heath Ledger (Dark Knight). For one thing, Heath Ledger was an incredible actor and put on an outstanding performance. plus, he already won an Adademy Award. And his death also makes him a likely win. (not to undermine his performance, i’m not implying he’s only going to win because he passed away, but it does up his chances.)

Best supporting actress: Amy Adams (Doubt)

Best Picture: Either the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, or Milk.   In my opinion, The Curious Case of Benjamin button should win for best picture, and Milk should win for Best Actor. For Benjamin Button, the acting was good but what really made it a great film was the cinemetography and costume design (which should also win. So should the music.) Something about the feel of the film definitly makes it a likely win. Milk, on the other hand was an excelent film as well and is just as likely to win. That, and the subject matter makes its winning an oscar likely as well.

Those are my predictions. 🙂

{February 21, 2009}   Slumdog Millionaire (R) * * * * *

So I finally got around to seeing Slumdog Millionaire at 4:55 today. It was an incredible film, interesting, exciting, thought-provoking and dramatic. the ending, though somewhat expected was very exciting, and no other ending would have suited the film. It may have been very good, but I would not consider it the BEST film of the year. It’s up there though.

The story was inspiring, and could picture it being a very enjoyable novel as well, seeing as the characters were beautifully developed and the story progressed quickly, yet took place throughout approximately 20 years.    Just about every detail was right there in plain sight, and unlike in Hollywood films, much less was implied and more was shown, which actually made the movie better.


{February 21, 2009}   The Mentalist * * * * *

So I just started watching The Mentalist episodes on DVR, and decided it would replace Bones, which was once my favorite Crime Drama. It has everything a crime drama needs: Bizarre murder, personal drama tying in some way to the case at hand but not in a ridiculously coincidental way, and unusual, unique characters. Specifically, Simon Baker’s character, Patrick Jane being the nontraditional main character, as he is the most interesting part of the show. (Being the Mentalist.)

So aside from the annoying (yet funny) reiteration of the definition of “Mentalist” at the beginning of every episode, it is the best new Crime Drama on TV.

Mentalist: Someone who uses mental acuity, hypnosis and/or suggestion. A master manipulator of thoughts and behavior

{February 20, 2009}   Gran Torino (R) * * * *

A few days ago, I went to see the movie Gran Torino. It was very good, despite its somewhat boring beginning. The movie really picked up about half way through, making up for the lengthy character building and stereotypical, annoying children of Clint Eastwood’s son.

It was a movie about an older, grouchy, reclusive  man (Clint Eastwood) who unintentionally becomes friends with the Korean family that moves in next door when he saves their daughter from violent gang members.

The interesting,  intense film was not one I’d choose to watch again, seeing as once you know how it all turns out, what’s the point? It was well made, the acting was great, and the story and writing were very,very good. Gran Torino was a heavy, serious, dark film that I would not reccomend if you are looking to walk out of the theater in a happy mood.


{February 20, 2009}   Welcome to the Dollhouse * * *

I just watched the first episode of Dollhouse on DVR, and found it an enjoyable episode. The plotline is intruiging (The story of a former criminal who agrees to join a group of scientists who program her w/ a different personality each week, instead of going to prison.) And yes, Eliza Dushku is attractive, and a good actress. But I don’t really picture the show lasting more than a season. what makes a show appealing is having a character to get attached to, and follow, and root for. And with this show, there is no real character to attach to because she’s somebody different every week. the story would probably work better as a movie or book series. I’m sure it will be entertaining while it lasts though.

{February 20, 2009}   Bones has gone downhill… *

Okay, I admit I was going to make my first post about the up coming Oscars, but come on…won’t every movie reviewer be focusing on that? Well, I just finished watching the newest Episode of Bones.( http://www.fox.com/bones/ ) And I have to say, it was disappointing.  For something that used to be my favorite show, it has become a boring, predictable waste of time. When I bought the first season on DVD last year, to watch my favorite episodes again, the back of the box described Bones as “a sexed-up CSI.” It’s now just that–minus the CSI.

Temperance Brennan, who used to be an admirable, intense, strong female character has now become a caricature of a scientist and the frequent comparisons between Brennan and figures like Wonder Woman and Zena are just corny and unoriginal. Did the show get new writers? Or did the old writers just get tired of writing? Something changed. It could simply be that they are running out of ideas. And if that’s the case, I’m sorry but I cannot imagine this show lasting another season.

Every episode basically has the same exact story line. They find a body in some bizarre situation, Brennan and Booth ‘accidentally’ spout out sexual innuendo, there are awkward moments of sexual tension between Angela and Hodgins, and Cam gets annoyed with somebody. The lameness of every episode having a different Zach replacement is ruining the show. It’s getting old and I really doubt anybody is watching so that they can find out whose going to fill Zach’s empty void this week.

Which brings me to my next topic: The inconsistencies. did Angela or did she not fall for a woman?? What happened with that? I am by no means insinuating that she should have to stick to one sexual orientation if she doesn’t want to, but since she is a fictitious character, some consistency is necessary. She was flirting with Hodgins again, and for many episodes nobody’s even mentioned her sudden attraction to women. Remember Buffy the Vampire Slayer? (Lame example, I know. just humor me, i have a point.) when Willow became a lesbian, they didn’t just forget it in the next episode. And I know this is a crime drama, not a soap opera, but its missing the crime aspect too. there is very little mystery solving or investigation. its all Booth and Bones with their corny chemistry that used to be appealing.

Don’t you remember wishing at the end of every episode that they would FINALLY hook up? Well, I don’t really care anymore. if they were going to, wouldn’t they have already? There is no sweet, loving chemistry between them anymore. now all they do is act awkward. Brennan will say something unintentionally suggestive, Booth will laugh and Brennan won’t even understand what she said. it gets to the point where you have to say: does this woman SERIOUSLY have a genius IQ? They’ve taken her from being hard headed and book smart to completely naive, and clueless. It doesn’t make her a strong character. they’ve completely forgotten about character building and made Booth into some goofy, clown-like oaf and Brennan into this overly stereotypical scientist to the point where she isn’t even smart anymore.

et cetera