WordyGirl’s Movie/TV reviews

{February 21, 2009}   Slumdog Millionaire (R) * * * * *

So I finally got around to seeing Slumdog Millionaire at 4:55 today. It was an incredible film, interesting, exciting, thought-provoking and dramatic. the ending, though somewhat expected was very exciting, and no other ending would have suited the film. It may have been very good, but I would not consider it the BEST film of the year. It’s up there though.

The story was inspiring, and could picture it being a very enjoyable novel as well, seeing as the characters were beautifully developed and the story progressed quickly, yet took place throughout approximately 20 years.    Just about every detail was right there in plain sight, and unlike in Hollywood films, much less was implied and more was shown, which actually made the movie better.


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