WordyGirl’s Movie/TV reviews

{February 20, 2009}   Gran Torino (R) * * * *

A few days ago, I went to see the movie Gran Torino. It was very good, despite its somewhat boring beginning. The movie really picked up about half way through, making up for the lengthy character building and stereotypical, annoying children of Clint Eastwood’s son.

It was a movie about an older, grouchy, reclusive  man (Clint Eastwood) who unintentionally becomes friends with the Korean family that moves in next door when he saves their daughter from violent gang members.

The interesting,  intense film was not one I’d choose to watch again, seeing as once you know how it all turns out, what’s the point? It was well made, the acting was great, and the story and writing were very,very good. Gran Torino was a heavy, serious, dark film that I would not reccomend if you are looking to walk out of the theater in a happy mood.


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